Millennial’ Sexual Relationships: New Clinical Considerations

Live Date: Monday April 17, 2017
Time: 12:30-2:00 EST
Tuition: $61.91
NYS SW Contact Hrs./AASECT CEs: 1.5
AASECT Core Knowledge Areas: CDEFIKLM

Recent research shows that Millennials aged 20-24 report having fewer sexual partners than their parents’ generation (born in the 60’s and 70’s) after the age of 18. However, 81% of college students report hooking up while at school. The gap between these statistics are reflected in Millennials’ strengths and challenges when it comes to committed longer term relationships.

The generation who grew up with online access to porn, blatant sexuality expressed in their media, as well as social media are expressing doubt and anxiety in therapy as they attempt to establish bonded coupledom that is at times similar to their parents’ marriages and at others a courageous path to forge new relational paradigms.

In this talk, Sari Cooper will discuss the trends she sees as a sex therapist working with single, dating, cohabitating, engaged and married Millennials who begin therapy with a sexual presenting problem.

At the conclusion of this webinar, participants will be able to:

  • describe the statistics regarding trends and behaviors of Millennial clients
  • list reasons this particular cohort of young adults approach sexuality differently than cohorts that are older
  • develop hypotheses taking into account the systems influencing these clients
  • identify potential blind spots they may have around Millennial clients’ sexual priorities

How these relational issues get expressed by clients with partners, how they may play out inside and outside the bedroom, and blind spots therapists may have to these conflicts will be addressed in this talk.

Therapists’ potential discomforts, beliefs and triggers to these sexual and erotic issues will be addressed. Alternative theoretical frames to consider will also be presented. Composite case examples will include heterosexual and LGBTQ clients in addition to clients from diverse ethnic and religious communities.


Satisfactory Completion Participants must have:

  • Paid tuition fee
  • Attended/viewed the entire seminar
  • Completed an evaluation with material quiz (50% accuracy AASECT, 70% accuracy NYS) in order to receive CE Credits.
  • Partial credit for a portion of a seminar is not available.

New York State Social Workers

Sari Cooper is an approved provider (#0254) of continuing education to LMSWs and LCSWs in New York State. Social workers should contact their regulatory board to determine course approval. This program is approved for 4.5 CE Credits.

Sex Educators, Counselors and Therapists

This program meets the requirements of the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists (AASECT) and is approved for 4.5 CE Credits. These CE Credits may be applied toward AASECT certification and renewal of certification*.

*Completion of this program does not ensure or guarantee AASECT certification. 
For further information please contact
Please Note: Licensing Boards change regulations often and while we attempt to stay abreast of their most recent changes, if you have questions or concerns about this course meeting your specific board’s approval, we recommend you contact your board directly to obtain a ruling.

Privacy & Copyright

By agreeing to participate in this webinar and connecting to the class/recording, you agree that you are the identified listener, you agree to the refund policy as stated on Sari Cooper’s website, that you will not resell or profit by this information in print or recorded form, that you will not duplicate the information presented within the course, and hold presenters harmless from all damages or harm of any kind.

Completed Evaluations and Quizzes

Please email your completed evaluations and quizzes once marked and passed you will receive the certificate you had indicated on the purchase order.


CE Certification Type* * CEs for NYS for LMSW/LCSW Recertification 
CEs for AASECT Certification/Recertification 
License* * License State & Number* *  

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